Sunday, July 31, 2011

Nintendo Wii Wii Revolutionizes Gaming To Know

What's new in the console? Nintendo Wii is a game that was never developed, which has just shown its capabilities. Nintendo announced a new way to play games that are fun for the whole family. Controller (Wii-mote) looks like a standard TV remote control is completely wireless and has a motion sensor with three axes. I think the Wii-mote very accurate and allows users to rotate and swivel on a new game very creative and innovative. Wii-Mote is also a port to connect a second controller, you can use both hands for certain types of games. Secondary controller called the Nunchuk has an analog joystick and a pair of buttons allows a better control of a variety of games and has an ergonomic design.

Sports games packaged with the console shows the true potential of this system. Boxing, for example, (sports games package), you can press and hit the lobbyist (s) forward and can be avoided by keeping the driver in front of his face like a boxer can block a shot. You can avoid the side, moving his upper body in the corresponding direction. You can watch boxing six three-year-old daughter and strutting their stuff our family room. No more sitting on the couch pushing buttons, it's time to really be in the game, which was not a fan of sports games, but this new technology, I can not wait to see some of the titles major sports are released. I look forward to Tiger Woods golf 2007 and can be considered for other sports games are fun and very realistic.

Because some of the movements required when playing the Nintendo Wii, I would almost recommend a collection of gentle stretching before playing. My wife and I discovered the hard way, with sore muscles the next day to play. I know at least we have a little practice, other consoles do not deliver.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Nintendo reports on losses and cut the 3 console price

Against the dismal financial results of the Japanese company, is trying to accelerate the sales of the console that allows play three - D without glasses: U.S. sold only $ 170.

Nintendo's condition is deteriorating: manufacturer of game consoles last quarter recorded the first operating loss since starting to publish quarterly reports, fiscal year 2003-2004. According to the company's latest report, during the quarter of the year she recorded an operating loss of 37.7 billion yen ( 485 million), resulting from the slowdown in sales and the strengthening Japanese yen. Its net loss amounted to about -328 million.

Results, Reuters reported, aroused the fears of investors that the company focused too much on hardware, as the market moves toward software, and games and smartphones become significant growth engine.

Weaker than expected sales of mobile 3DS console launched in February, and doubts as to whether to restore the success of Nintendo Wii hit the company hard count: she plunged by 30% during the last three months, while the Nikkei recorded a rise of 2% during the same period.

Trying to forecast the sale of 16 million consoles 3DS first year launch, Nintendo has decided to cut the price in Japan by 40%, to 15 thousand yuan (193 dollars). Take the U.S. company the price to a third mobile console, and is sold at U.S. $ -169.99.

Between April and June were sold approximately -710 thousand only 3DS consoles, and approximately 4.5 million games. Devices allow users to play games with them in a three - dimensional without the need for special glasses, but visitors and quite a few consumers have complained that the display is uncomfortable and tiring the eyes.

This move, analysts estimated, expected to lead to a further decline in stocks. "It's not normal to drastically cut the price of a device which was launched in March. It was a big surprise," the analyst told Reuters YASOO Sakomh from Bayviews Asset Management.

Wii Love Nintendo Wii

Nintendo Wii is a video game controlled by the industry giant Nintendo Co. Ltd. games Despite popular belief, Nintendo's Wii is not entirely new - it's actually an updated version of the popular and changed the company name Nintendo Revolution. Although Nintendo Wii is considered something of a poor performance by critics of the game as it has less added features and graphics less clear than many other games consoles, Nintendo Wii is actually a big hit with fans and so both a bestseller.

What is interesting for the Nintendo Wii?

The secret of success of the Wii could be a combination of its low price and its exclusive control. Nintendo Wii players can use the same remote controlled. This motion sensor technology to control the Nintendo Wii will allow players to use real movements - swings, stabs, and other movements - such as to control the movements on the screen. Many players say that this feature allows them to get into action games more easily, and the Nintendo Wii as the pilots, which depend on the players simply press buttons or manipulate the control rods.

Nintendo Wii can also be interesting because it promises to be a great entertainment system, the way many other gaming consoles today do. Instead, as the only market Nintendo Wii game console for those interested in video games. The promise seems to ring true for many game fans flocking to the Nintendo Wii. Despite strong competition from powerful gaming devices such as Xbox and Playstation, Nintendo Wii continues to be the little game console that could, attracting many of its simplicity and its unique purpose.

Nintendo Wii is a hot trend

At the Congress of the game, have even been the creators of the Nintendo Wii surprised at the popularity of Nintendo's Wii, as fans waited in an hour line-up at several major conventions and trade shows, just to try the Nintendo Wii. Many testers of the Nintendo Wii took the Wii adds an element of physical pleasure that just does not have many solutions to today's games.

Friday, July 29, 2011

how to fix your xbox 360?

how to fix your xbox 360?
Few things in life are to invest more frustrating for a player, as hundreds if not thousands of dollars on a game system, controller, and an extensive library only break to see their machine. The definition of an Xbox 360 has a particularly disturbing in recent years due to the problems of the so-called "Red Ring of Death", the failure of the system on the hard drive that leads to irreparable damage. While Microsoft offers several options for replacing the fixation of an Xbox 360 in your own four walls with no more than a few tools, if it be done right. When fixing an Xbox 360, ensure that the warranty is still, if possible for the professional control: Open your game system can violate the warranty, but if you do not care negatively on the performance of your machine.

There are some common problems faced by the majority of active users. The red ring of death is such a problem that more than 55% of Xbox 360 users concerned. The other popular game console PlayStation 3 is also not free of such problems. The user will always be a widespread problem, such as "Blue Sphere of Death" deal known. The definition of an Xbox 360 should not be all difficult and all you need is a little knowledge or guidance in this process. Send an Xbox 360 repair station can not be recommended because it is not worth a few dollars for only a small debt can be. More than 90% of the errors with the successful working of these machines have occurred, corrected by their respective owners. The definition of an Xbox 360 you do not need a rocket scientist and all can be done with the help of a few simple tools.

You need a screwdriver to open the system, a clamp is used to print to a specific area of ​​the machine and possibly an air sprayer, which are used to remove dust and dirt from your hard disk to be moved are clean. You should not try to fix your Xbox without these useful and necessary tools. To get started, you need to open your Xbox. So you can have full access to all parts of the system. You can do this by removing the large plate to do. Pull the base of your system. Be gentle and cautious when on your Xbox. When opening your base, you should hear a click. There are a number of corrections that can be carried out on the Xbox 360.

If a game has stuck in the drive machine, it can be easy if the machine cover has been released. A manual release is placed in the machine so that it can be used for the release of hard disks stuck on. You should not try to open any other part than is necessary to fix the jammed machine. If open other parts, without causing further complications. You will find two holes in the machine next to the disc reader, use the most appropriate uses for each player. However, there may be some situation where you can find not to repair a solution for the Xbox 360. Repair manuals can be useful in such cases. Full details and instructions can fix easily in these repair manuals may be found on the console. for further information.

Displaying Three Red Lights
This is one of the most common problems that a large number of Xbox 360 users can use in their game console. If those three red lights appear, this means the Xbox 360 into a problem. Xbox 360 three red light problem solutions, it is not easily answerable task. Rather, it could be almost endless possibilities for this problem. You can enter three red light problems as a symptom of some internal problems, you need to identify, to get rid of it.
Too hot
If the Xbox 360 will always be hot, it means the Xbox 360 is overheating
Main causes of overheating.

This is a combination of the owner not the console does not allow cooling time during the long hours of playing time, plus a design flaw by Microsoft itself. Within your motherboard is, where is the heatsink and should not take so much heat from the major components and processors, as they should. Constant overheating with densely packed with components connected to any external heat is escaping from the console even more difficult.
. Xbox 360 is a potent gaming system and much more powerful than the previous ones. It dissolves slowly enormous amount of heat that in turn their ability to work. Like many others, you can make the same mistake done by your system in a small sealed enclosure does not allow that to cool the system, but warm up to them to the level of vulnerability.
If it gets too hot, it is ultimately heats the entire process. Excessive heat makes the system very vulnerable and do not work. Xbox360 troubleshooting for excessive heating can, from the Xbox 360 in a much cooler environment where the system the ability to cool by giving off heat to the outside to be found is given. If you can find it at high temperatures, it is best to make it cool for some time and then try again.
Not heating, but Displaying Three Red Lights

An error in the hardware system means that a quick fix solution is not to help in the console. New estimates show that 1 / 3 of all Xbox 360 consoles is the problem of the Xbox 360 3 red lights at some point in their life face gaming.
 Typically, such fix your XBox 360 is not complicated. Better check that all cables connected to the system. There may be one of the lines are going to lose at the time of installation of the Xbox 360 when your box is not heating, but still three red lights are on you more control over the cables are not firmly fixed on or not. Be sure to turn off the power while checking the connected cables.
Problem without error
If none of the above techniques work fix for your Xbox 360, because the chances are that the problem is not very easy to fix and heavy. Sometimes just by turning off the Xbox for some time to fix the problem, but not always. In most cases, this random error occurs due to internal hardware problems. In such a case you need it at the service center where you pay a lot of money to get to fix it.

Xbox 360 Controller Rapid Fire Mod

As a serious gamer Xbox 360, you need special tools to score big points for you. With rapid fire on the Xbox 360, you will definitely an advantage over your opponents will change during online games such as controller of a weapon for an automatic weapon, when you press the fire button.

Another major advantage of rapid fire controller for the Xbox 360 is that it is already closer to the automatic weapon, because it helps eliminate much of the recoil of the weapon you shoot. This special controller to allow you to be able to weapons that you usually always pull the trigger and press R again at a much faster rate. Indeed, it will give you much faster than the average person.

With a quick check fire mod for Xbox 360, you are sure you are going to remove opponents from the competition with the much faster and easier. From now on, the mod driver works with most hottest Xbox 360 games, like Rainbow Six, Ghost Recon, Halo 2 and 3, and 3, also a very popular invitation of Duty 4 and Unreal Tournament

As you noted, the listed games involving shooting to win help more quickly. With a quick check fire mod, you can be sure that it can help you win games you are playing your Xbox 360

So, how does the Xbox 360 controller mod constant?

Well, remember that these things are not available in the market. However, some people may be almost done with electronics. , In fact, if you know a bit of soldering and electronics, you can even use your own money out of it, and even the number of players out there want the advantage.

Although you can do yourself, you can remember that if you are familiar with the controls and the things you need to weld on your Xbox 360 controller, consider the benefits. You can convert your controller for rapid fire controller in no time and also makes it much more efficient.

As you can see, is a rapid fire controller mod for your Xbox 360 will definitely give you an edge over their opponents. With drivers like this, you can be sure that you get in a position of almost every game. If you play online with others or by itself connected to love, is the controller for speed shooting mode can help you win the game and more points.

So if you use a tool with which you want to have the edge over their opponents in an Xbox 360, you might consider a rapid fire controller mod for you. With drivers like this, you can rest assured that victory will always be with you.

Remember these tips and you can touch something in the next time with the Xbox 360 for bragging rights with your friends.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

10 Reasons to Buy an Xbox 360

1. t There are games galore for the thirsty. Kameo: Elements of Power, Project Gotam 3, Perfect Dark Zero, and many more. All unique, with great effects and gaming wizardry.

 2. The Xbox 360 has a wireless controller, and Internet connectivity. The premium pack presents great delights offering freedom of movement and an excellent selection of over 30 meters. Ergonomically designed the controller wires, tangles and boomerangs skip.
3. With the aim of even the most discerning palate pleasure, the 360 ​​has an amazing variety of games. Some are exclusively for the box like Condemned and Dead or Alive designed. Titles that are widely recognized by experienced players: Call of Duty 2, Project Gotham Racing 3, Kameo, King Kong and Condemned.
4.  Amazing and very welcome is the fact that over 200 Xbox games backwards compatible with the Xbox360.
5.  Xbox 360 Arcade brings the marketplace. Imagine free games, cheap games and addictive non-stop games. The possibilities are endless and exciting.
6. The graphics are amazing and the games come to life in virtual reality. Xbox 360 has three 3.2 GH processors that run with a 500MhzATI graphics processor. Puh-let the bow to power.
7. Endless possibilities with the 360. Games, CDs, movies and personalized music. There is even a link to the Microsoft Media Center for a complete media sensation. Let your creativity and innovative power to take wing.8th The Xbox 360 is more than an ordinary console. It is interactive and you can buy many things like bonus levels, episodic content, gamer gamertag specials and pictures. You can demos and bonus packs from game developers to download. A live platform with no limits marketplace for publishers and developers.
9. The Xbox 360 is a keeper of records. It creates history. The gamer card is your identity with name, picture, music, games that you like, and your goals and mottos. This is done online fraternities a step closer to each other.
10. Fulfilled many dreams and fantasies. The games are the best, most interesting, mind stimulating and exciting. The Xbox 360 has the gaming world before, and offers options like downloads, online games, movies, and a touch button marketplace for games.The Xbox360 is a must for serious gamers. It shows your commitment as a player and reflects your taste and reputation in the cyber-gaming universe. Opens endless possibilities and brings you to the next generation of gaming delights.
Gamers and techies have waited with bated breath for advancements and innovations in gaming. To think of the pulse and spirit, one must be called into question set. This has become possible by computer technology and the wonderful world of gaming. Done as adventures and wars in the past years these days is to have technology that offers the adventure thirst. A visionary, super strong, multimedia console that brings you the GenX gaming world - Microsoft has created a challenge in the form of the Xbox 360. Of course, competition in the markets is currently so many ways.If you need to be convinced here, a couple of reasons, are why you need to buy the Xbox360.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Your own virtual world

Play God - God (even if it is only available electronically)

Part of the appeal of video games is the visual eye candy that splashes on the screen. But the addictive imagery is only half the equation. The remaining half is the magic word, our eyes awarded if these pictures come to life. Animation that is controlled by a player, and everything is to escape into another time and place - a time and place, brought to you by the virtual reality.

As you can imagine a hypothetical three-dimensional virtual reality visual world is created by a computer. Players can move in and in this world and interact with objects as if inside it.1 Some of the games already on the market give a pretty good idea of ​​what is virtual reality and can do. Video games like Zelda, Halo, or Harry Potter can give the players into an environment and interacting with objects, but they do not allow the player to create an environment and that is what virtual worlds are all about.

Without a single ounce of programming knowledge can submit a virtual world and have lots of fun. All you need is an idea.

To begin, you should have a plan that your idea of ​​a perfect world maps, the world's wildest, strangest, or the world that you can imagine to construct. Some virtual world software, you get a template of the kind (a "starter" world), to complement you and ultimately build a world that you have always dreamed of. A good example of template at Maxis' SimCity or SimTown games. Both games offer pre-made environments, which give ample space and opportunity to them in one that you prefer form.

Of course you could always start over. The only problem with starting with reason is that it takes more time and knowledge to add some of the features that virtual worlds offer. Either way (from scratch or from a template) to build a world most people, objects, and by scenarios - even deleting some, until they have achieved the perfect balance.

A good place to see examples of what you find to build in the virtual world gaming is online. Each virtual world program available offers sample environments, players can download and install into their own system. Some manufacturers of these games to keep themselves competitions and prize winners with free software upgrades. Other suitable places to be found ideas of fiction books:-historical, fantasy, futuristic, you name it. Science fiction movies are a good source for ideas.

To understand well that needs time virtual games. Rome was not built in a day and neither will your virtual world. There is no reason to hurry, and that is a relaxing hobby. Take your time and have fun. You do not fret about not how to build an object or create a map - you can learn how to do these kind of things in due time. Your goal is to create a world of enjoyment and it will not help if you find yourself frustrated with the whole time.

When you are finished, you can add characters with their own unique histories, habits, strengths and weaknesses. You can even perform them small tasks or goals during the game. Enter the characters will help your goals and tasks that you give the game a conspiracy.

To get started, to search for RAD (Rapid Application Development) tools. RAD tools help you create a virtual reality game bang together in the shortest time and with little difficulty.

So now the computer games also guilty of the massacre in Norway?

Manifesto published by the murderer suggested the use of violent games simulators, but they led him to kill more than 90 people
Norway is currently trying to recover from the massacre committed by Anders Bering Briioik, locally infused racism and xenophobia killed more than 90 people. Shortly before he left to massacre innocent boys, Briioik Optimize its manifesto - 1500 pages tinged with hatred of the demographic situation of Europe.

Pages of the Manifesto also included "Tips for opponents of Islam", which encourages readers to use certain computer games as a means of learning and protection. Did not take long once it became known to who, again, calls for a hardening of the censorship of video games.

This is not the first time such claims are heard, not just for computer games: When I was a kid I read about a little boy who stabbed his brother by mistake after reading the "Lord of the Rings". As a teenager, I still remember the rage on the corrupting influence - the face of "Dungeons and Dragons", in some places has been described satanic cult. As an adult I remember laughing about the good people of the "Bible Belt", the more religious areas of the United States, related to Harry Potter as a heretic.
Hard to believe anyone still thinks loves "Dungeons and Dragons" summon demons from hell at their leisure, but many people still fear the link between video games and violence. After the Columbine massacre were cries for a boycott of violent games and several countries, like Australia, although not hesitate to prohibit the acquisition of titles especially brutal. Nevertheless, there is currently no scientific research institute acceptable appearance of a real connection between games and real world violence.

Realistic graphics? Player is not identified

To an outsider, the relationship between games and violence, seems obvious. From first person action games such as Call of Duty 2 which quoted Briioik his manifesto, put the player "in world" of the game. It should, ostensibly, to conclude that a child will be affected by more than a game when he pulls the trigger, steal cars and run over old ladies.

There are several problems with this theory: Studies have shown that although computer games stimulate the motor skills - but not actively stimulating the imagination, to create more brain activity than passively watching a film or television. 
When we read a book, we imagine ourselves in the world it presents. Computer games and computer graphics, however, there is an element known as the Uncanny Valley - The artwork is realistic, the more it creates a sense of distance from the viewer. Why? That we pay attention to little things, such as features that seem illogical. In many ways, almost computer game - management is less real to our brain than playing with graphics from 20 years ago.

Importantly Sbriioik never defined himself as a gamer: He saw the game as a tool, not a hobby. Action game can be really good simulator, but also a game that simulates a flight can be a tool of murder, according to those events of 9.11. This also applies to shooting ranges, or civil defense volunteers.

Gamers and Prejudice

Criticism of computer games is no different than the criticism addressed to the cinema once or rock music. This is an industry only now come into the mainstream, and as always - will be those who try floored her, out of ignorance and prejudice. For many computer games is something unintelligible, interested only in children and geeks are loners. Try to explain to them the profile of the average gamer, according to estimates, is quite different: nearly 30-year-old, affluent and educated. In many cases, by the way, this is at all a she gamer.

It's true: video games, just like any other artistic medium, subject to crackpots who try to appropriate for themselves their message. It was also L"htfsn Rye ", the book kept Mark Chapman as John Lennon was assassinated. "Catcher", last time I checked, still taught in schools around the world.

And those who do not understand how a game can have an artistic statement, I will conclude with the following question: What would say 100 years ago on a film like "Fight Club"?

Monday, July 25, 2011

What's wrong with Wii?

A guide of what is available for Nintendo's Wii system

If you have not heard of Nintendo's Wii system, we have only one question for you. Where have you been? This hot new gaming system debuted right at the time when Microsoft's new Xbox on the market. But what makes this system so popular that it is the first system to integrate virtual reality into the living room. That in addition to Nintendo's dedication to producing gaming material for the whole family to the complex games that we face in the market (for other systems) today.

This article describes some of the accessories and games available, everyone can enjoy.

The Wii system. Welcome back to family fun with this console. For only $ 249, the entire family can enjoy the time of the coveted games and physically interact with them strapped to your wrist with Nintendo's unique controller. Who can at every level to get in on the fun with this new machine and it comes with a free Wii Sports game cartridge.

Wii accessories. If you are still "old school" and prefer to use the classic Nintendo-style controller, no need to fret. They are still available, and they do not cost more than $ 19.99. But if you can not wait to try the Wii Remote, each with one or two or three at only $ 40. The Wii Nunchuck Controller is $ 19.99, there is both the Nunchuck and Remote controller will give you hours of fun as you swing your way through your favorite games.

Could of course all that gaming guarantee the purchase of the Wii Air Cooler ($ 14.99) or the Wii Charge Station ($ 29.99). And you certainly do not want to leave a game without saving the place! You can choose from a 1 GB SD Memory Card ($ 39.99) or 2 GB SD memory card ($ 59.99), SanDisk, and bring the fun to where you left off at a later date.

To ensure that your Wii console fits snuggly into the back of the TV, you can buy a pack of Wii Component Cable for $ 29.99.

Wii Games. Looking for games? We have divided this part of our guide into two sections: one for children and one adult. Be careful when buying Wii games for players under 18.


Excite Truck ................................................ . $ 49.99
Wario Ware: Smooth Moves ........................$ 49.99
Super Paper Mario .......................................$ 19.99
Bionicle ................................................. .......$ 49.99
Sonic and the Secret Rings .........................$ 49.99
Cooking Mama: Cook Off ............................$ 49.99
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 .......................... $ 49.99

NOTE: Bionicle may not seem friendly at first, but it really is a fun and innocent game, battles and controls a number of toy action figures. It is based on Lego Bionicle universe. Cooking Mama is pretty new on the Nintendo Game Suite and it is inviting young players to more than 300 authentic recipes from 10 different countries prepare.


The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess ......$ 49.99
Medal of Honor Vangaurd ...........................$ 49.99
The Godfather: Blackhand Edition ..............$ 49.99

Mario Party 8
Legend of the Dragon
Mortal Kombat Armageddon
Scarface: The World is Yours

NOTE: Legend of the Dragon, and Zelda is rated T for Teen. The Godfather, Scarface, and Mortal Kombat is rated M for Mature. Both The Godfather and Scarface emulate scenes from her films and the violence follows them .. Mortal Combat was developed to an audience that the appeal "eager for violence."

Sunday, July 24, 2011

What's wrong with Playstation 2 and 3?

A guide to what is available to SCEA, the Playstation 2, Playstation 3 and PSP

The Playstation system. As number three in a series of products Playstation, Playstation 3 offers ($ 599.99) new parallel processing, which enables broadband multiplayer action. It is built in Blu-ray Disc drive promises high-definition gaming, tons of storage media, streaming video, music or online service, you leave little to be desired.

It is the predecessor system, the number two, selling for only $ 19.99 and networks as well (not only as fast as the system number three). To choose more than 1,400 games, it's hard to argue against this trade.

PSP is hot again ($ 169.99) and integrated 3D gaming on widescreen, high-fidelity stereo music, full motion video, communications and wireless networks.

Playstation 2 Accessories. If you are still "old school" are your Playstation, then enjoy Playstation Dual Shock 2 Analog Controller ($ 24.99), NERF Wireless Controller ($ 29.99), or it's 8MB Memory Card ($ 24.99) . But the music is not all. He plays on the SingStar Pop game and accessory pack ($ 49.99) or the Guitar Hero II ($ 79.99).

Playstation 3 Accessories. What is required? The PlayStation 3 system sports two different types of controllers to: a standard Chill Stream Controller ($ 39.99) and a SIXAXIS wireless controller ($ 49.99). In combination with the Blu-ray Remote Control ($ 24.99), you can complete domination of your system quickly.

PSP accessories. Never interrupt your game again with a 2 GB Memory Stick Pro Duo ($ 69.99) or 4GB Memory Stick Pro Duo ($ 109.99). Carry your handheld into a Platinum pack ($ 19.99) or Traveler Case ($ 19.99). And do not forget a carry for all your media ($ 14.99). PSP Media Manager ($ 24.99) to keep you organized.

Playstation games. Looking for games? We have divided this part of our guide into two sections: one for children and one adult. Be careful when buying Playstation games for players under 18.

Playstation 2 Games

MLB 07: The Show $ 59.99
ATV 4: Off Road Fury $ 39.99
Meet the Robinsons $ 29.99
Dance Dance Revolution: Super Nova $ 39.99
Durnout: Dominator $ 39.99
NBS Street Homecourt $ 59.99

Shadow of the Colossus $ 19.99
God of War $ 19.99
Gran Turismo 4 $ 19.99
U. S. Navy SEALs Combined SOCUM Assault $ 39.99
Rogue Galaxy $ 39.99
God of War II $ 49.99
Destroy All Humans! 2 $ 39.99
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories $ 19.99
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas $ 19.99
Medal of Honor: Vanguard $ 39.99
Dawn of Mana $ 39.99
Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion $ 59.99
Resistance: Fall of Man $ 59.99
MotorStorm $ 59.99

Playstation 3 Games

MLB 07: The Show $ 59.99
NBS Street Homecourt $ 59.99


Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion $ 59.99
Resistance: Fall of Man $ 59.99
MotorStorm $ 59.99

NOTE: The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion, with all the Playstations, and is a game

Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2

PSP Games

Ultimate Board Game Collection $ 39.99
Street Horizon $ 39.99
MLB 07: The Show $ 39.99
Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters $ 39.99
Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition 19.99
Full Auto 2: Battlelines: $ 39.99

NOTE: Street Horizon brings both turn-based play and real-time strategy game.


300: March to Glory: $ 29.99
U. S. Navy SEALs Combined SOCUM Assault $ 39.99
After Burner Black Falcon $ 39.99
Dragon Ball Z Shin Budokai another road $ 39.99
The Warriors $ 19.99
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories $ 29.99
Prince of Persia: Rival Swords $ 39.99
Rocky Balboa $ 39.99

Dungeons & Dragons: Tactics
Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2

Saturday, July 23, 2011

What Makes A Great Game:

A Gentle Reminder for programmers
It is easy to go into all the details of construction lost a large video or computer game - so simple in fact that we have the parts of a game that you forget them fun to play. The following serves as a gentle reminder of what calls the players to play in the first place. Note that memory for the event that you get bogged down or distracted by confusing C + + syntax, or lines and lines of Visual Basic statements and DLL structures.
1st Think of the players is the main character. Here is a secret between you and me: give the people a sense of control gain. If you can make it to your game in a way that the player will control the program, then you've already won half the battle. This does not mean to say that the game should be easy. It simply means that if a player from the school or home runs, drives home from work to play a video game, they want to feel the control that they were not in the hours between nine and five. The outcome of a game - be it a profit or a loss - should never happen, but to play the result of a good, controlled game instead.

2nd KISS. Note that acronym? It stands for Keep It Simple Stupid. We all know that the programming of a game is tough business, but believe us when we are reminded we do not want to say. The difficulty of programming a game should never be part of the game play so if possible, make the game easy to start, easy to navigate, and of course, easy to play. We do not want to pre-strategy here, but on the other hand, we do not want to feel not so stupid as a Pre-Schooler. Forget the hundred page manual. No one except the truly obsessed will read it anyway. You have to build your game for the average Joe and all of your fan.

3rd Add plenty of action. And add a lot of it also. The more action you add to your game to give, the more attention players attention. And the more that players pay attention to your game, the more addictive the game. For every action a player makes the character to the game and then promptly react to the player for more.

4th Take a good story. Nothing is worse than a game to ask what you're doing and why. Purpose is and has always been a human obsession. But without it, we are left wandering ... in the dark ... ask bizarre things like how the house would look in a coat of bright pink color. Give your players not to waste the opportunity, time to come. Give them a task and make sure your game reminds them what the mission need in good times and why it is completed.

5th Give us a visual treat. But it is relevant. The graphics in one game should not be bothersome, they should look to our eyeballs glaze upon them with satisfaction, and then salivate more. Graphics should be evidence and draw us ever further into the game until we've beaten the thing.

6th Make it real fantasy games are okay, but what makes it cool is the fact that they are realistic. It's hard in something that is not familiar, or that there is no way we could ever experience. But if you can put some reality into your games, players will appreciate and relate it to a whole new level of respectable.

Monday, July 18, 2011

What's wrong with Xbox 360? A guide to what is available for Microsoft's Xbox 360 system

The Xbox 360 system. The new Xbox 360 console ($ 399.99) brings Microsoft technology to the gaming industry like never before. The new toy sports new Internet connections to social communities and provides the player ultimate control with goo-gobs of fun accessories.

This article describes some of these accessories and the games are available, which can be enjoyed (almost) everyone.

XBox 360 Accessories. For such a powerful system, there should be no surprise that this system takes full advantage of accessorizing. We can start by saving games on the $ 19.99 512MB Memory Unit or $ 29.99 64MB memory unit. To the power goes out, we can look at the $ 29.99 Quick Charge Kit or the smaller $ 19.99 Play & Charge Kit. On the go can take you and the rechargeable packs $ 11.99 while powering you controller at the $ 29.99 fee station.

Increase the connection with the $ 99.99 Wireless Network Adapter and keep your system "kewl" with the $ 19.99 Intercooler. But that's enough about maintenance. Let us find the fun.

Get a wired controller, or $ 39.99 $ 49.99 Wireless Controller to play your games. If you feel behind the wheel. In this case, you can try on the $ 149.99 Wireless Racing Wheel for the size.

Want a little multimedia action? Get a $ 199.99 HD-DVD player (not to mention the $ 19.99 remote) - a $ 39.99 Live Vision camera or a $ 59.99 Wireless Headset (wired headset for $ 19.99) . Then jam your way to the $ 89.99 Guitar Hero II

Of course, when you order with your PC, check out the Xbox Wireless Gaming Receiver $ 19.99 and users of the Xbox 360 controller on the computer!

XBox 360 Games. Looking for games? We have divided this part of our guide into two sections: one for children and one adult. Be careful when buying Xbox 360 games for players under 18.


Xbox's UEFA Champions League 2006-2007 $ 59.99
Xbox's Viva Pinata $ 29.99
Xbox's Fuzion Frenzy 2 $ 29.99
Meet the Robinsons $ 49.99 (by Disney Interactive Studios)
Xbox Star Trek Legacy $ 39.99
Konami Dance Dance Revolution Universe $ 49.99

Forza Motorsport 2

Xbox's Halo 2 $ 29.99 (rated 10 by Game Informer)
Xbox Gears of War $ 59.99 (rated 9.5 out of Game Informer)
Xbox's Crackdown $ 59.99 (rated 8.5 by Game Informer)
Capcom's Lost Planet: Extreme Condition $ 59.99
Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion $ 59.99
Xbox Rainbow Six: Vegas $ 59.99 (9.5 out of Game Informer)
D3 Publishers' Earth Defense Force 2017 $ 39.99
Activision Cabela African Safari $ 29.99
Activision's Marvel: Ultimate Alliance $ 59.99 (rated 9.25 from Game Informer)
Activision History Channel: Civil War $ 39.99
Ubisoft's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2 $ 59.99 (8.75 out of Game Informer)
Sega Armored Core 4 $ 59.99

NOTE: A lot of Xbox 360 games have the RP warning. Please do not forget the guidelines of the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) to follow when buying games for children under 18. Here is a handy reference to the meaning of the ratings:

C = Suitable for Early Childhood
D = suitable for everyone
E 10 + = suitable for everyone aged 10 and older
T = Suitable for Teens
M = Suitable for Older Adults
RP = Rating Pending (not suitable for children)

The following Sports Games ESRB Rating RP:

Mass Effect
Blue Dragon
Tenchu ​​Z
The Drakness
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
Hour of Victory

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Video Games in the future A gamer Plea

With video game technology advances so quickly and so far from where it started, you can not avoid the idea where it's going to entertain go from here. After all, is part of a larger creative process and we want our writings even help a little small. One of the earliest video games that we can remember is Commodore's "Pong." But never have we think the industry would have reached the point where it is today. One thing is for sure and that is the gaming drives full speed ahead.

Today we fantasize a little, to see where our imagination and desires would take us.
The following offers some suggestions as to what are called less than did a little thing, "impossible".

We are a little bit with the "Sun Glasses game" idea is fascinating. Wearing a pair of dark sunglasses and implemented with the technology of Nintendo's "Wii" system, we could literally watch a game instead of right before our eyes and then interact with him with a device about the size of a pin. Since this is not exactly a new idea, we are curious to see what this will develop from the University of South Australia "ARQuake 'project1 - a springboard for this type of play to develop the safe in the near future.

Another cool idea would we look like breaking in the gaming industry is the ability to talk to characters in a game. Some games allow players to textually speak to game characters already, but we would like to see this pushed a little further. We want to be able to verbally interact with characters: ask questions joke, to warn and to speak with them, as if we were speaking to another human being. And we love to hear these characters would speak again! It is the ultimate artificial intelligence opportunity and although it would probably take years before this technology are widely available would, we are sure that it would be a success.

The Next Generation could play: Will we ever be to the point where we can play in a simulated environment, as the characters get into Star Trek? Virtual reality is close, but the reality of the simulation is the moment we left we put on the stupid statements goggles and gloves. To work for the simulation of this kind, it has so little to be a barrier between players and the game as possible. We do not want to know what I just think we are in a game, we feel that we are in a game, and want to be honest, we know not to go anywhere to do outside our home.

The television or computer screen is enough now, but in the future, we want to go with the elements, the games of the wonder that it is now to be surrounded. We want to go, our caves or bedroom into a virtual foreign ship or simulated jungle transform. In short, we want a new world.

A potential obstacle to bringing this fantasy into our living rooms is public acceptance. Would the public be prepared for such a high level of entertainment? And the public could handle it? Immediately after Nintendo's Wii release, customers were willing to complain that they wanted their old controller back! As with any new development, it will certainly be unintended consequences, and although we are gung-ho for this kind of progress, we also share concerns about the impact on an audience that would not be "practically ready."

As a result, we can certainly imagine, introduced a couple of laws that restricted the use of our fantasy games. We already have some laws adopted under the same conditions now and in our opinion, this is a good thing. The last thing we want in the gaming encounter injury - especially if we try to enjoy virtual entertainment!

This game Sucks A Guide to Giving New Games A Chance

It's hard to get into a new groove when we have settled on a favorite pattern to do something and that includes playing new games or try a new game system. It is important, but the memory just because you do not play the way a new game or use the way that a new system runs - it does not mean that there is something wrong with him. The following offers some advice on how to get over the hurdle of giving new games a chance.

1st Accept the error of your ways. Nothing is perfect and that includes video games, the system that plays it, and we dare say - even you! When trying a new game, you're bound to tour all over the place and make some of the Goofies errors that could make someone already. Try to remember that mistakes are inevitable and even the master of masters (that's you) can you make your way through a new game error. Mistakes do not make you a horrible player. On the other hand, they do not play dumb or stupid. In fact it is exactly the opposite. If you yourself to make mistakes to find a new game, it's time to slow down and that give the game a second and serious look. If you stumbled a bit in the game - you, the master of masters - the game is not as bad as we first thought.

2nd Play a new game, if you are "in the mood". What a fast-paced world we live in! So fast that we mistakenly expect that game to understand within the first 5 minutes of the start of the console! Then, if we are not sure what to do, the game is confusing, or just plain stupid. Never try a new game, if you're not in the mood, or if you are in a hurry. New games require patience and a thorough reading of the manual.

3rd See the positive. There is something good about every video game - even the violent (though we are not prepared to defend violent video games). During check-out a new game, about what you want about the game, what you can not figure out quite what to think yet unlike. A positive attitude will continue for other aspects of the game and before you know it, you will be prompted to continue with him and give some real progress.

4th Do not know can do. In other words, not with his own vanity or skills in a particular genre of games can hide that you are from near to new ways of doing tasks. The largest room is the room for improvement and your room is no exception. Understand that the game play you can bring something new to keep you informed of gaming as a whole. Then revel.

5th Continues to play. It is highly doubtful that someone starts a new game on a day like. Keep playing a new game until you are absolutely sure that you are not ever want to see in the console again.

6th Play alone. It is quite possible that if you play a new game with a friend, you are vulnerable when you for accepting your friend's feelings about the game their own. Play a new game itself, so that you can interpret your own feelings about the game and not somebody else.

Playing Online Games Pro-Style Even if you do not know what you're doing ...

One of the most daunting part of getting to online gaming start on the fear of screwing things up for other players get. It's one thing to play a game and make mistakes at home, but it is quite another thing to play a game and make mistakes, the errors in the game play can lead to the other. But there is no reason to stop this fear you or another gaming novice for fun. This article will give you the in and out is the online gaming, allowing you the confidence you need in order to begin to continue.

The first step of any new online gaming should be, to learn first how to play offline. You can read the game manual and save yourself from seeing the infamous acronym "RTFM" scroll across your screen. Knowing what the acronym stands? It stands for "Read The Fu ** ing Manual" and spat through his ambitious players to vulnerable newbies who interrupt a game with questions like: "What is this?" or "What shall I do?"

You can search the web for game related discussion groups, FAQs and walkthroughs. And you could play some more from the Usenet newsgroups. In other words, you could make your "homework". Some of the type of information you want to learn you are, how you play, how to create characters, how to collect equipment, and how to implement some smart strategies. Trust us when we tell your gaming friends will appreciate it!

In addition to reading, such as an online game, you can become familiar with the game interface. As the net for a game of textual instructions, you can also search the net for a game screenshot (or a series of screenshots). With a graphical representation (. Gif or. Jpg image) of a game on the screen gives you the ability to remember where all the game are the controls. Knowing where everything on a game before you play, things speed up not only for themselves but also for everyone else. Nobody wants to wait until you are looking for an inventory panel or a message to the screen in a game, if the position of these elements apparently for everyone else.

Once you start with a game that you can not avoid the pressure to stay in the game, that you are working the unthinkable: the dying. A character dies in a game inevitable at certain points, and unless you have like a lose-lose situation going, you will run the risk of keeping the game for everyone else. It's like a chess game. If it checkmate - it's checkmate. Call it a day and start again. What ever you do, do not wait around and hang on a magical fairy to come to their aid. Please tell your character to die with dignity.

On the same reason you do not have to want to take die personally. Remember that online gaming still just a game. A character that dies in a game is not representative of your character as a person. Turn death into a learning experience. At the very least, you'll learn your way through an online game by learning everything that you should not do!

Above all, make sure your computer has what it takes to keep the current pace of an online game. Do not try to play an online game with a slow computer or slow Internet connection. In fact, if you're still using dial-up, find another hobby. A slower processor and the connection is ensured instant death, because the other players are not too polite for their own defeat to wait. You are going to squash you like a bug.

Hunt around for a computer, which was created for online gaming and get a DSL or ISDN Internet connection. You need a fast processor, a high-end graphics card and a sound machine is the same.

If you follow these simple suggestions, you are the "novice" have passed the test and respect as a serious gamer much faster than if you stumbled your way through what others pride as "the ultimate hobby."

Playing Old Games on a new computer It's a scream!

Admit it - you feel like having a good game of Super Mario or Dig Dug leaves as you did "back in the day." We all do it because it does play some of the best memories. But it is not easy to play these games, as we are accustomed to. If we kept the systems and cartridges from the past in perfect condition, our only trip to this jagged pixel is called the lane by a little known gem of emulation.

Through emulation, you can play to make some of your favorite games from the past, including games for Commodore, Atari and Nintendo. Emulation refers to the ability of a program or device to imitate another program or device, and it tricks the software to believe that a device is really some other device. It's can emulate for one computer to another type of computer. For example, there are programs that allow an Apple Macintosh to emulate a PC. 1

Everything, what gobbledy gook does not really mean too much until you find the right emulator, your computer can play all the old favorite games. And the news gets even better. You can download emulators from the Internet - for free. You may Amiga, Commodore, Game Boy, Playstation 1 and Nintendo emulators plus you can use the games (ROMs) that these machines play download.

Our favorite emulator is the emulator ZSNES. This special program emulates the old Super Nintendo console and you can learn more about it by visiting This program comes with an extensive help file and guide you through the process of setting up a copy on your own PC. At the very least, your system is a 486/100 processor, 14.5MB of RAM, a VGA card and a Sound Blaster or 100% compatible sound card. But a system with a fast P200 or higher Pentium processor, 32 MB RAM, VGA card and Sound Blaster 16 or 100% compatible sound card delivers the most realistic results.

But do not think that just because a console on the computer - you can not enjoy your favorite gaming accessories. The ZSNES emulator users, we maneuver around games with the keyboard and joystick. But enough about the emulator - you probably want to know what kind of games you can play, right?

Called ROMs, you can play any game on your PC that you played on the Super Nintendo system, including:

* Bomberman 5
* Super Battleship
* Beavis n 'Butthead
* Busta Move
* Clue
* Dragonballz
* DreamTV
* Final Fantasy 4
* Frogger
* The Great Waldo Search
* Inspector Gadget
* Jeopardy Deluxee
* John Madden Football
* Mario Kart
* Marvel superheroes
* Mega Man's Soccer
* Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
* Monopoly
* Mortal Kombat 2
* Pinocchio
* Power Rangers
* Race Driving
* Carmen San Diego
* SimAnt
* SimCity
* SimCity 2000
* Super Mario RPG
* Sonic
* Space Football
* Starfox
* Street Fighter 2
* Super Black Bass
* Super Ninja Boy
* Super Punch-Out!
* Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
* Theme Park
* Troddlers
* Utopia
* Vortex
* Wacky races
* Wheel of Fortune
* Wings 2
* Wordtris
* World Soccer 94
* Yoshi's Island
* Zelda 3
* ... and tons more.

Downloading these games is a simple matter to find them online and there are many sites that they host. Http:// try to get you started.

Be aware that there is a problem with downloading these games, and it is a legal question. Basically, you are not entitled to download and play any game that you do not already own on a cartridge. If you keep this law, you can refocus the past into the present, on your new PC.

What's wrong with NintendoDS? A guide of what is available for the NintendoDS System

If you are looking for a game that comes with a butt-load of inexpensive games, you come to the right place. No other gaming system on the market today hosts as many games at such low prices as the handheld Nintendo DS system. No other gaming system on the market, like a young audience are tailored.

More suitable for young players as adolescents or adults, NintendoDS games bring back the SuperMario flavor that we all love to. Pokemon is still as strong as ever with this system too, but we have some new games (and types of games) to throw into the mix noticed.

This article describes some of the accessories and games for this particular sytem, ​​that everyone can enjoy.

The NintendoDS System. This is not your regular Game Boy yesterday. The new Nintendo DS system has a high-power flat, folding handheld gaming device complete with bright color touch-screen technology - all for only $ 129.99.

NintendoDS Accessories. As the games played by this system are the accessories as plentiful - fully appreciated by the serious players on the go. You can get a $ 14.99 headset for the quiet moments, and sport your system in a small $ 9.99 Duo game in, $ 9.99 ultimate leather case or $ 17.99 G-Pak for short trips or for storage. For $ 29.99 you can stock up on packaged a variety of accessories in a convenient player pack or in an emergency quick fixes with the $ 14.99 value kit. Recharging is a snap on cover $ 9.99 bill.

NintendoDS Games. Looking for games? We have divided this part of our guide into two sections: one for children and one adult. Be careful when purchasing NintendoDS games for players under 18.


Pokemon: Perls $ 34.99
Pokemon: Diamond $ 34.99
Pokemon: Leaf Green $ 19.99
Pokemon: Fire Red: $ 19.99
Pokemon: Emerald: $ 34.99
Pokemon Ranger $ 34.99
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue $ 34.99
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red $ 34.99
Yoshie Island DS $ 34.99
Wario: Master of Disguise $ 34.99
Big Brain Academy $ 19.99
Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day $ 19.99
Nintendogs: Dalmatian & Friends $ 34.99
Custom Robo Arena $ 34.99
Diddy Kong Racing DS $ 34.99
Kirby Squeak Squad $ 4.99
Mario Hoops 3 on 3 $ 34.99
Mario Kart DS $ 34.99
Mario Vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis $ 34.99
New Super Mario Bros. $ 34.99
Cats $ 29.99
Horsez $ 29.99
Dogz $ 29.99
The Settlers II $ 29.99
Lost in Blue 2 $ 29.99
Spectrobes $ 29.99
SNK vs. Capcon Card Fighters $ 29.99
Purr Pals $ 29.99
Cooking Mama $ 19.99

Diner Dash
Pony Friends
Dragon Ball Z: Harukanaru
Super Collapse 3

NOTE: Harukanaru fighting style in the new version of Dragon Ball Z for NintendoDS different from the style in the 2005 predecessor. In Dragon Ball Z: Harukanaru, players battle action with the turn-base formula.


Touch the Dead

NOTE: Touch of the Dead is M rated for mature audiences, and shows the arcade-style shooter. Please do not forget the guidelines of the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) to follow when buying games for children under 18. Here is a handy reference to the meaning of the ratings:

C = Suitable for Early Childhood
D = suitable for everyone
E 10 + = suitable for everyone aged 10 and older
T = Suitable for Teens
M = Suitable for Older Adults

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Maintain allegiance to the Duke

Enthusiastic gamers love games that have not yet hit the market. What happens when the game continues to not go to the market - one, two, ten years? Etant glimpse behind Duke Nukem 3D with the new teaser port.
When-Duke Nukem 3D was launched in January 1996,
He received a particularly warm welcome - and for good reason. He burst into the world of correctness plots ranging from solid phases in shades of dull brown and green, and read about them challenged with full color screens impressive alien spaceships, movie theaters and strip clubs. He was funny. He was vulgar and shameless. He captured our hearts.

Just over a year later, on April 28, 1997, Duke Nukem Forever was announced, the continued story of the killer aliens muscular and chauvinist. Action Games enthusiasts around the world held their souls. Id company so dominated the market with a high hand, with the action game Quake, and Duke's return would give Niokm should fight her dark brown shades that oppressed their eyes.

A lot has happened since April 28, 1997. Three more games out shelves Quake series. Our Internet connection speeds have accelerated and more than 300 times, and our home computers have become 16 times faster. Harry Potter has taken the world. George W. Bush. Bush was elected to the White House - twice. World population crossed the dreaded billion. Hell, even Team Fortress 2 developers were able to finally finish his development and get this game in September cheers of a crowd of gamers.

Whatever happened all those years is Duke Nukem Forever.

In fact, the birth of a severely delayed this game has become the world's favorite joke gamers before so many years, she could become outdated, dying and Lhtkmbk least three times. Most of the world's gaming press were sure we would not see the game world - and the company was supposed to distribute the game, Take Two, has expressed more than once skepticism about its release, although never officially announced the cancellation.
We seem to forget this game. A decade of development is more than enough time to start thinking about other things: after all, is worth about a fifth of the time period in which there are computer games in general.

But gamers do not forget so easily, and maybe they're right. Last week, after years of silence - the last time we saw video of the game was in 2001 - released a new teaser of the accuracy of Niokm network.

Teaser do not see much, admittedly - and must not learn something essential we did not know before. Still, the accuracy of the release spring re Niokm headlines, as though it Zvika Pick of gaming. Apparently the developers of this game are doing something in their offices.

Reinforced believers seized the opportunity to mention another game once considered a joke - Team Fortress 2.

Team Fortress 2 as well, great action game - the participants of Valve, began again the process of its development a few times over the past decade. If he was so successful, the accuracy Niokm has a chance - at least, so says some of the population of gamers. Also visit the famous games recently Kiiron age rose to defend the game, and claimed picked on him is not guilty.
Between believers infidels also sits third group: people who say it does not matter. Duke, they argue, is a thing of the past. We have become accustomed to gaming action a bit more sophisticated in the intervening years, and it is fitting that the Duke oxidized go look for his companies.

Although these people ignore the fact that rather stupid action games were pretty successful recently - but it is undeniable that with each passing year, fewer and fewer gamers are interested in the fate of the game.

So what will be the fate of Duke Nukem Forever? Will we ever see him before the end of the decade? Will he be able to match the action games developed in recent years? It is not clear. But after a while the endless development, we can not hope anything would come of all this noise - anything to justify, at least in part, ten years of hype.

Spacecraft money: When Game Without Borders meets reality

Divorcing couples manage conflicts on spaceships, people cheat on each other, and players cut the internet cable competitors. Network game EVE Online, celebrating 8 years now, delete the line between real and virtual world, and developing company actually encourages chaos.
Acts of bribery, theft, divorce, banking crashes, industrial espionage and fraud. No, this is not a documentary about the life of Bernard Madoff. He did not even occur on Earth. Instead, it is going on behind the scenes, a virtual galaxy of EVE Online - Game mass from the Icelandic company CCP, has attracted more than 360 thousand players.

The company recently celebrated its eighth year to launch the game, considered one of the oldest on the network. Genre to which he belongs, called Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game, attracts hundreds of millions of players creating their own virtual character and playing an alternative world. Popular game and is best known in World of Warcraft, had lured more than 13 million players pay.

Today there are hundreds of games, but also ones EVE Online game is considered unusual. He still maintains the same economic model since its launch, and reports regularly on the rise in players. The game does not include dragons, or orcs thousands. Instead, players embody merchants very distant future, space, and the game they spend in a spaceship, almost without meeting other people, but only stars, planets and giant space stations.

The game does not include a central story or content. Instead, the developer has created a galaxy consisting of thousands of solar systems, a "sandbox" where you can do almost anything. You can be miners, explorers, traders, warriors, pirates, explorers and workers - or choose one of dozens of other roles. Almost every detail of the game was designed, planned, built, sold and bought by one of the players, and most of the empires, corporations and organizations have been assembled and built by cooperation between players.

The game is not friendly to new players. Many critics called him "Axel table space" because of his approach - to overwhelm the players with information on commodities and stocks. Despite, or perhaps because of it, could EVE develop a closed community of the faithful and devout players who spend hours every day in front of the screen and make nearly 2 billion financial transactions each day. The company currently employs Ph.Ds in economics, designed to maintain the financial model of the game. These also run the Federal Reserve Bank of EVE, which determines in part the prices of basic foods, as well as the rate of inflation and interest rates.

Game supports tax offenders

In the world of EVE no supervision, police or government. Players can cheat, steal and bribe, and the company even encourages it to support the blood-thirsty atmosphere of the game. Ned Coker, spokesman for the company, has said that "dark and brutal worlds are the perfect backdrop to examine human behavior. This is part of the search for true gameplay that really touches a player." Accordingly, if a player was killed during the game is severely punished. If they are not disqualified temporarily or go back to square one with all of your assets, as happens in other games, but lose all the property you have accumulated.

It's a dangerous world, and Nowhere is safe - not even your virtual safe. About five years ago had one of the managers of virtual banks to take over the bank, set up by other players. He sold all his assets for the sum of trillions of ISK, EVE's virtual currency. At that time, this amount was equivalent to 170 thousand dollars a completely true that line his pockets.

A year ago, another player could restore Madoff's deception plan. For three years he worked to establish a commercial company, including assets, bases and ships throughout the galaxy. He added investors and friends and gave them a seat on the board. But then he run into trouble paying off the mortgage on the house - in the real world.

Actor convinced the board of directors to issue shares, which were temporarily in his hands. Within minutes he managed to oust the board of directors, to take over the assets and sell them for a total of more than 45 thousand dollars. The player, known as Bad Bobby, not apologized and said he started the company with the declared aim to do so. While the real world tax offenders are tried, Bad Bobby actually received praise from game developer.

In another case dealt with a group of actors in industrial espionage. The two companies were rivals for years and fought on a number of solar systems are especially important. Finally, several players have created completely new characters and filtered rival company of new friends. For over a year they purchased the trust board and then, well-planned step, destroyed all the military bases and space ships of their enemies, and steal control of the company, with assets of $ 17 thousand dollars.

"I'm divorced, and my wife wants the ship"

Company policies on the game forbids players to rent or to buy virtual money. CCP allows players to "inject" money into the game world by purchasing Flex, a kind of virtual goods that can sell Bsook online or use the monthly subscription fee instead of game.

But Flex is a commodity for anything. A few months ago it became known that one player who leaked the details of the shipment of Pirates teammate. The group attacked the ship's trade second friend, who carried the same time 74 Flex from one house to another, and when one player has lost $ 1,300. During 2010 have been compromised site violating this policy game and specializes in selling virtual money, and database transaction data has been published. The data revealed that men earned in that year no less than 330 thousand dollars from Flex.

Two worlds, virtual and real, meet all the time. Web is full of stories about friends who stopped talking to each other because of some incident in EVE, or divorcing couples and are concerned that they would have to divide the virtual assets. One player asked for urgent advice of the EVE forums and asked "My wife wants to divorce my boat, what am I doing?". Another discussion forum dealing sent a squad of players to cut the internet cables and power of its adversaries in the real world, just to play them in the virtual world.

Can you get from the spacecraft

But not all parties in the game are so cruel and bloodthirsty. The company also runs a charity in which players can contribute to the Flex, including charitable campaigns organized for the benefit of Haiti and Japan, and has raised over 160 thousand players. In general, CCP company encourages the link between worlds, seemingly disconnected, and already established social networking players, which also includes an active romantic dating group for men and women fans.

Every few months the company also organizes votes democratically elected Council which top players ", which advises company on how to develop the game and represent the community of players. Council members travel to Iceland on the firm and the Council have the status of a separate division in society. In recent weeks, the council was very busy for the launch of the newest expansion pack of the game, Incarna.

The expansion offers something completely new world of EVE - the players, who until now had been "trapped" in their space ships, can finally walk in space stations. The more distant future they will also be able to meet other players, build shops, pubs and businesses. Soon the company also intends to launch an action game called Dust 514, where the actors who play the games space landed on the planets in the universe of EVE. Both games will communicate between them and create a richer world. Transition will make EVE more accessible to new players - and selling even more.

Chief Economist Layoffs game ": The real world is going in our direction

Dr. Ayeg'olfar Gdmnson joined ranks in 2007, CCP member, developing the game, as chief economist. Layoffs interview, "he says he heard about EVE Online first lecture from a master key and went into the game because of its extreme realism and complex economic model. "I told myself I had to do it. No economist can never get such accurate information on each transaction, and the foundations of the economy itself. "

The company behind the game Bejewelled purchased 1.3 billion deal

Game giant Electronics Arts buy the casual game maker Popcap, has developed successful mobile applications and Facebook. Purchaser hope the move will help it to reach one billion dollars in revenue this year online market
Pizza Great American games Electronic Arts has acquired developer PopCap Games, a deal worth $ 1.35 billion - including $ 650 million in cash, 100 million shares, $ 50 million in benefits and employee retention fee and $ 550 million in options based on meeting goals. This is the largest purchase ever of a social games company.

PopCap company responsible for some of the most successful titles in the social gaming and casual games like Bejewelled and Plants Vs. Zombies. In contrast to competitors such as Zynga, PopCap Games specializes in simple and does not rely on a single platform: it offers including mobile applications and applications for social networks like Facebook and RenRen Chinese. The company, established in 2000, currently employs approximately 400 employees and offices sit in Washington.

According to the announcement of the two companies, Electronic Arts intends to bring the new channels PopCap Games. CEO John Ryakitlio, although he said the acquisition will help the company reach its goal for 2011 - a billion dollars in revenues derived from online. Electronic Arts recently signed a five-year contract with Facebook.

Chief Financial Officer of Electronic Arts PopCap defined as a high growth rate and profit margin percentages "double-digit": PopCap entry last year $ 100 million, 60 million of them from Bejewelled and from Plants vs Zombies.

Electronic Arts expected PopCap titles this year will put a double amount - $ 200 million, so it has updated its annual revenue forecast from 3.8 billion

To $ 4 billion. Distributor expects that PopCap will continue to grow at least 10% annually during the next three years.

This is not the first time Electronic Arts games market into the social and casual games. Two years ago, the company acquired in developing games Fliifis $ 275 million, in what was then the biggest deal in the field. At that time many analysts have expressed skepticism the future of social gaming and the ability of companies like Zynga generate revenue.

For years, Electronic Arts was considered the world's largest game distributors, but in 2008 she lost the title company Activision, after the merger between it and Vivendi. As a result, EA has lost 75% of the value of its stock during the year. However, this year the company's shares rose 65%, partly due to its decision to close some of its development divisions and lay off more than 1,500 employees.

Playing Nice A few suggestions for gaming etiquette

No, it is not Ms. Manners to the rescue, nor is it polite, Polly knocks on your ball. We know how easy it is frustrated or even angry while playing a difficult game, but if we are not careful, that could anger and frustration to some Butt-Ugly moments during a time that is actually amusing than cause. The following is to try to everything to keep fun and play during a meeting of the group offered entertaining.

1st Encourage each other. Even if you are competing in a boxing match or race car, take your time to another player for making a smooth or cunning move to congratulate. There is no need for a kiss-up, but if the tension high, and the desire to impress is high, you can relax without the stress just by throwing a few compliments here and there.

2nd Be patient. Your gaming comrades may not be as fast as voted, or as smart as you. So, criticize if you notice that your regular game speed to slow not. You could quietly plan your next train or help you could offer, if you notice that your buddies seem lost. This promotes collaboration and experience some of the stress with the game involved a difficult game.

3rd to a few breaks. Stretch to allow your group will pause at appropriate points in a game, get up and use, snack, the john, talk about school, or catch a few stupid commercials on TV. A long stretch of the game is tiring and stressful at the same time.

4th Play game to inclusive. By this we mean the efforts to ensure that everyone can contribute in the group to end the game. You'll never make another person feel left out or just hanging around to fill the room. To participate in creating opportunities for everyone involved and help to play.

5th Listen to others. You may think you know all the answers to a game or game system, but to hear what others have to say in the group. You could just learning something new.

6th Ask for the "weird guy." This advice of course comes after the horrible Virginia Tech massacre. Tales circulating this news event indicate that the young man responsible for a loner and the victim of bullying during his teenage years than was good. Sometimes all it takes is to preventable things like this to achieve a simple effort to someone. We are not suggesting that an invitation to a gaming party would the lives of 33 + students can be saved, but we are suggesting that feel some effort to make others feel welcome and wanted a big step towards the abolition of the separation known to cause these types of senseless acts.

7th Vow to keep the voice and swearing to a minimum. This is almost self-evident, but avoidable arguments not previously agree on the line when it comes to a debate on a particular strategy or selecting a game to game. Some of the heaviest fighting arise from the silliest arguments. But you can prevent a flare in your group just by maintaining a cool composure throughout the session.

Now see? That's not so bad a list. All the things that we proposed are certainly "do-able", and they really work to create a peaceful and pleasant surroundings.