Thursday, July 14, 2011

Maintain allegiance to the Duke

Enthusiastic gamers love games that have not yet hit the market. What happens when the game continues to not go to the market - one, two, ten years? Etant glimpse behind Duke Nukem 3D with the new teaser port.
When-Duke Nukem 3D was launched in January 1996,
He received a particularly warm welcome - and for good reason. He burst into the world of correctness plots ranging from solid phases in shades of dull brown and green, and read about them challenged with full color screens impressive alien spaceships, movie theaters and strip clubs. He was funny. He was vulgar and shameless. He captured our hearts.

Just over a year later, on April 28, 1997, Duke Nukem Forever was announced, the continued story of the killer aliens muscular and chauvinist. Action Games enthusiasts around the world held their souls. Id company so dominated the market with a high hand, with the action game Quake, and Duke's return would give Niokm should fight her dark brown shades that oppressed their eyes.

A lot has happened since April 28, 1997. Three more games out shelves Quake series. Our Internet connection speeds have accelerated and more than 300 times, and our home computers have become 16 times faster. Harry Potter has taken the world. George W. Bush. Bush was elected to the White House - twice. World population crossed the dreaded billion. Hell, even Team Fortress 2 developers were able to finally finish his development and get this game in September cheers of a crowd of gamers.

Whatever happened all those years is Duke Nukem Forever.

In fact, the birth of a severely delayed this game has become the world's favorite joke gamers before so many years, she could become outdated, dying and Lhtkmbk least three times. Most of the world's gaming press were sure we would not see the game world - and the company was supposed to distribute the game, Take Two, has expressed more than once skepticism about its release, although never officially announced the cancellation.
We seem to forget this game. A decade of development is more than enough time to start thinking about other things: after all, is worth about a fifth of the time period in which there are computer games in general.

But gamers do not forget so easily, and maybe they're right. Last week, after years of silence - the last time we saw video of the game was in 2001 - released a new teaser of the accuracy of Niokm network.

Teaser do not see much, admittedly - and must not learn something essential we did not know before. Still, the accuracy of the release spring re Niokm headlines, as though it Zvika Pick of gaming. Apparently the developers of this game are doing something in their offices.

Reinforced believers seized the opportunity to mention another game once considered a joke - Team Fortress 2.

Team Fortress 2 as well, great action game - the participants of Valve, began again the process of its development a few times over the past decade. If he was so successful, the accuracy Niokm has a chance - at least, so says some of the population of gamers. Also visit the famous games recently Kiiron age rose to defend the game, and claimed picked on him is not guilty.
Between believers infidels also sits third group: people who say it does not matter. Duke, they argue, is a thing of the past. We have become accustomed to gaming action a bit more sophisticated in the intervening years, and it is fitting that the Duke oxidized go look for his companies.

Although these people ignore the fact that rather stupid action games were pretty successful recently - but it is undeniable that with each passing year, fewer and fewer gamers are interested in the fate of the game.

So what will be the fate of Duke Nukem Forever? Will we ever see him before the end of the decade? Will he be able to match the action games developed in recent years? It is not clear. But after a while the endless development, we can not hope anything would come of all this noise - anything to justify, at least in part, ten years of hype.

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