Tuesday, July 26, 2011

So now the computer games also guilty of the massacre in Norway?

Manifesto published by the murderer suggested the use of violent games simulators, but they led him to kill more than 90 people
Norway is currently trying to recover from the massacre committed by Anders Bering Briioik, locally infused racism and xenophobia killed more than 90 people. Shortly before he left to massacre innocent boys, Briioik Optimize its manifesto - 1500 pages tinged with hatred of the demographic situation of Europe.

Pages of the Manifesto also included "Tips for opponents of Islam", which encourages readers to use certain computer games as a means of learning and protection. Did not take long once it became known to who, again, calls for a hardening of the censorship of video games.

This is not the first time such claims are heard, not just for computer games: When I was a kid I read about a little boy who stabbed his brother by mistake after reading the "Lord of the Rings". As a teenager, I still remember the rage on the corrupting influence - the face of "Dungeons and Dragons", in some places has been described satanic cult. As an adult I remember laughing about the good people of the "Bible Belt", the more religious areas of the United States, related to Harry Potter as a heretic.
Hard to believe anyone still thinks loves "Dungeons and Dragons" summon demons from hell at their leisure, but many people still fear the link between video games and violence. After the Columbine massacre were cries for a boycott of violent games and several countries, like Australia, although not hesitate to prohibit the acquisition of titles especially brutal. Nevertheless, there is currently no scientific research institute acceptable appearance of a real connection between games and real world violence.

Realistic graphics? Player is not identified

To an outsider, the relationship between games and violence, seems obvious. From first person action games such as Call of Duty 2 which quoted Briioik his manifesto, put the player "in world" of the game. It should, ostensibly, to conclude that a child will be affected by more than a game when he pulls the trigger, steal cars and run over old ladies.

There are several problems with this theory: Studies have shown that although computer games stimulate the motor skills - but not actively stimulating the imagination, to create more brain activity than passively watching a film or television. 
When we read a book, we imagine ourselves in the world it presents. Computer games and computer graphics, however, there is an element known as the Uncanny Valley - The artwork is realistic, the more it creates a sense of distance from the viewer. Why? That we pay attention to little things, such as features that seem illogical. In many ways, almost computer game - management is less real to our brain than playing with graphics from 20 years ago.

Importantly Sbriioik never defined himself as a gamer: He saw the game as a tool, not a hobby. Action game can be really good simulator, but also a game that simulates a flight can be a tool of murder, according to those events of 9.11. This also applies to shooting ranges, or civil defense volunteers.

Gamers and Prejudice

Criticism of computer games is no different than the criticism addressed to the cinema once or rock music. This is an industry only now come into the mainstream, and as always - will be those who try floored her, out of ignorance and prejudice. For many computer games is something unintelligible, interested only in children and geeks are loners. Try to explain to them the profile of the average gamer, according to estimates, is quite different: nearly 30-year-old, affluent and educated. In many cases, by the way, this is at all a she gamer.

It's true: video games, just like any other artistic medium, subject to crackpots who try to appropriate for themselves their message. It was also L"htfsn Rye ", the book kept Mark Chapman as John Lennon was assassinated. "Catcher", last time I checked, still taught in schools around the world.

And those who do not understand how a game can have an artistic statement, I will conclude with the following question: What would say 100 years ago on a film like "Fight Club"?

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