Saturday, July 30, 2011

Nintendo reports on losses and cut the 3 console price

Against the dismal financial results of the Japanese company, is trying to accelerate the sales of the console that allows play three - D without glasses: U.S. sold only $ 170.

Nintendo's condition is deteriorating: manufacturer of game consoles last quarter recorded the first operating loss since starting to publish quarterly reports, fiscal year 2003-2004. According to the company's latest report, during the quarter of the year she recorded an operating loss of 37.7 billion yen ( 485 million), resulting from the slowdown in sales and the strengthening Japanese yen. Its net loss amounted to about -328 million.

Results, Reuters reported, aroused the fears of investors that the company focused too much on hardware, as the market moves toward software, and games and smartphones become significant growth engine.

Weaker than expected sales of mobile 3DS console launched in February, and doubts as to whether to restore the success of Nintendo Wii hit the company hard count: she plunged by 30% during the last three months, while the Nikkei recorded a rise of 2% during the same period.

Trying to forecast the sale of 16 million consoles 3DS first year launch, Nintendo has decided to cut the price in Japan by 40%, to 15 thousand yuan (193 dollars). Take the U.S. company the price to a third mobile console, and is sold at U.S. $ -169.99.

Between April and June were sold approximately -710 thousand only 3DS consoles, and approximately 4.5 million games. Devices allow users to play games with them in a three - dimensional without the need for special glasses, but visitors and quite a few consumers have complained that the display is uncomfortable and tiring the eyes.

This move, analysts estimated, expected to lead to a further decline in stocks. "It's not normal to drastically cut the price of a device which was launched in March. It was a big surprise," the analyst told Reuters YASOO Sakomh from Bayviews Asset Management.

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